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Our theme for 2024 is Developing 24: Becoming Life Jesus. 

The basic idea is to take this year to focus on becoming like Jesus in every area of life - becoming “Christ-like” as the Holy Spirit works in us to empower this life transformation. 

So, what does it mean to be like Jesus?

Jesus said this about Himself: 

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. - Mark 10:45

Service – a heart of service - a lifestyle of service. Serving others was a big part of His life, day to day and person to person. 

We become more like Jesus as we develop a heart for service. 

A big part of that is serving one another. 

At Bridges there are lots of places to serve one another through a Ministry Team – Communion, Facilities, Family Ministry, First Impressions (Greeters/Hospitality), Grounds, Prayer & Care, Special Events and Worship & Tech Teams. 

While every team could use more people, there are some specific openings available – Family Ministry has a VBS coming up July 22-25 which is a great way to get started. The Worship Team is looking for people with an interest in music/worship and in the tech booth. We would love to have more greeters. Summer is coming and the Grounds Team would love to have some help. If you can stay a few minutes after the second service, the Facilities Team would love some help cleaning up. Prayer is a huge ministry at Bridges. There are lots of opportunities just waiting for someone to say, “yes.” 

God has given us gifts designed to be best utilized in serving the church. Everyone has something to offer. In fact, for all of our teams, we suggest you try it out to see if it is a good fit for you before committing. 

What makes a great church is a great group of people all serving one another to make everything possible. It takes all of us to thrive! Everyone has something to offer as we seek to help people find and follow Jesus! 

If you would like to find out more about a particular ministry team or just want to get started, contact us at and we’ll get you connected.