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As most of you are probably aware, this summer we are focusing on Connecting as a church body. We have Connect Events going on throughout the summer and we are even combining our services in the month of July in an effort to help connect folks from first and second service.

This week I get to share a little bit about the Game Night my wife and I hosted about a month ago. We had a blast playing games, eating hot dogs and hamburgers and having good conversations with people that don’t typically hangout together outside of church. That has by far been my favorite part of these Connect Events, we are seeing groupings of people that wouldn't otherwise get together.

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out.  We had a ton of fun hanging out with everyone and staying up late with a few of you. We are looking forward to doing something similar down the road at some point.

**I am not ready to announce the details just yet, but be on the lookout for a pretty big announcement about an upcoming Connect Event we will host at the church in August.**