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Each week, we want to highlight one of our Ministry Teams to give everyone a sense of all that happens behind the scenes to make Bridges happen. There are some great leaders and team members who serve each week and who do it out of love for God and for others. 

This week we are highlighting, the Prayer Team which is the very first team ever established at Bridges. Prayer is where everything starts as we seek to follow Jesus and serve His church. Sherry Knupp leads this vital ministry.  

What are 3 things everyone should know about the Prayer Team?

1.   Our prayer team is created for the specific purpose of intercessory prayer, and seeks to follow 

Ephesians 6:18 - “Never stop praying for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people.”

2.   Our prayer team exists to pray for the needs of our church and leaders, our church families, our communities, our nation, and our world. 

3.   Our prayer team welcomes all who are called to intercede and pray on behalf of others, to join our Sunday morning prayer warriors, and receive email requests throughout the week to uplift others in prayer before God. 


What is the one thing we should know about you, as the leader?  

I have had the privilege and opportunities to serve in several different ministries through many different seasons and places over the past 60 or more years. I believe the most life changing and rewarding was working with juvenile felons, leading worship, and teaching Bible. I watched God do many powerful and amazing works in their lives and mine. 


What does following Jesus look like in your life?

Following Jesus now is best stated through my personal amplified paraphrased Bible verse from Micah’s 6:8 as God speaks it to me…

What is required of you, Sherry? To love and embrace mercy to give to everyone. To act and live justly, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. And most importantly, to walk in humility to honor a Holy God, my Lord and Savior. 

He is showing me daily how to live in His “unforced rhythms of grace”, as the Message version speaks in Matthew 11:28-30. I’m a work in progress!