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Thank you to everyone who took the REVEAL study over the past several weeks. It is a great tool for us to see where we are spiritually as a church – our strengths, our weakness, and how we can continue to grow in a deeper devotion to Christ, His Church and His mission. 

43 people completed the survey which was lower than the required 50% sample size for good results, but there is still a lot we can learn from the data. 

Below are some of the key findings: 

The Spiritual Continuum is a snapshot of where we are spiritually compared to the 1000’s of other churches who have taken the survey. The goal is to move everyone over to the right from Exploring Christ to Growing in Christ, to Close to Christ to Christ Centered. Over the past 3 times we have taken this survey we have gone from 25% to 28% to 33% in the Christ-Centered category – which you can see moved us to about 8% above the average. That is awesome. More and more people are giving their lives fully to Christ, being sold out for Jesus and His work. 82% indicated that they put Jesus first in their lives. That’s amazing. God is at work!

The Pace of Growth represents the speed people sense in their spiritual growth. Most people are experiencing steady to moderate growth while still a sizable amount are experiencing rapid growth. (Which is about 9% above the avg.) 14% are feeling stalled in their spiritual growth which happens to all of us at some point in our walk with Jesus. 

The REVEAL study has “revealed” some key actions to take if you want to experience growth in your spiritual life, whether you are experiencing a stalled, staying put, slow but steady, moderate, or rapid pace of growth. 

Here are the top 3 things that bring the greatest growth: 

  1. Reflection on Scripture Daily: (74% indicated they do this daily or frequently each week). Verses like Psalm 51: 10-12 are great to pray if you are stalled or want to experience growth: Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Look for verses that may express what you are feeling and pray them back to God.
  2. Prayer to Seek Guidance: (95% of the respondents indicated that they do this daily or frequently). Across all levels, this is the number 1 way to experience growth. Laying out our daily schedule for the day before the Lord and seeking His help in navigating each item helps us to look for His work throughout the day. 
  3. Prayer to Confess Sins: (84% indicated that they do this daily or frequently) Sometimes, there is sin in the way of our spiritual growth and being close to God. Stopping to ask Him what may be coming between us and then confessing any and all sinful thoughts, actions or beliefs that He show us is in our hearts is key to getting moving again. 

These are just some of the findings from the study. 

There is so much more in the final results, and if you would like to see the whole report, contact us at 

Overall, God continues to build a vibrant, healthy church here at Bridges. The results from the survey help us see and quantify what He is doing. 

Keep up the good work – keep asking, seeking and knocking on your journey - as Jesus continues to build His church.