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 “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

- Psalm 46:10

We live in such a fast-paced society today. Our world says that we need to always be doing something. It’s almost that if you’re not busy, you are doing something wrong.

Being busy has become one of our automatic answers to when someone asks us, “how are you?”. For a lot of us, our go to answer is, “I’ve been busy.” We are definitely not lying when we say that we have been busy. We are constantly on the go; looking for the next thing for us to do.

I know for me personally, it’s rare that I intentionally stop and am still. I rarely sit quiet and just ponder; ponder on how great God is, how he has been so good to me, his love for me, etc.

This is something that God calls us to do. God calls us to take time to just be still. To be still in his presence and rest. Rest in his goodness and grace.

He doesn’t tell us to just be still, though. He tells us what to do while we are being still and resting. He says to, “know that I am God.” Sometimes, the circumstances that we face cloud our view of God. Our situations can become an overcast of fear, anxiety, stress; and our right view of God can become distorted.

It is such a sweet thing to know that God is God. It seems like such a simple statement. But what does that really mean? What does it look like for us to know that God is God?

When we know that God is God, our outlook and our worldview begins to change. We see that God is reigning over every situation and circumstance. We see that God rules, despite who is President. We see that all the evil around us is just temporary. We believe that one day God is going to set all things right again.

When we sit and rest in the presence of God, we can be strengthened and encouraged to remember that our King is King over all. He is great and greatly to be praised.

I encourage you to start making the act of being still a part of your routine. It doesn’t have to be for 3 hours; it can be for 3 minutes. Intentional time in the presence of God can have a huge impact on our spiritual walk.

I pray that you would remember that God is God, and no situation or circumstance will change that.