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Each week, we want to highlight one of our Ministry Teams to give everyone a sense of all that happens behind the scenes to make Bridges happen. There are some great leaders and team members who serve each week and who do it out of love for God and for others.

This week we are highlighting, the Hospitality Team which is part of the First Impressions Team. Evander & Susan Woo head up this team that provides the food and drinks every Sunday. They are an amazing couple. Here is some more about the team and what they do

What are 3 things everyone should know about hospitality?

  1. Inspired by Matthew 14:13-21 – Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand.
  2. The hospitality table is more than just a coffee and snack bar. It is a place where visitors and members can meet to share their stories on how they found Bridges church and to learn from each other.    
  3. If you would like to volunteer, donate snacks, talk to Evander or Susan. Weekly snacks are donated by individuals, not paid for by the church.  

What is the one thing we should know about you, as the leaders?  

Evander came to Christ in 2007 and married Susan in 2008. God comes first, then each other. That’s what has kept our marriage strong after years of dealing with family dynamics that most people can’t relate to.

What does following Jesus look like in your lives?

Serving humbly, living like Job and Noah, knowing that others may not understand why we do what we do for God.