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Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

- Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

This Fall, September 13 - November 15, Bridges will be taking a spiritual journey through a church wide campaign called "Rooted" – a 10-week church wide experience that connects people to God, the church and their purpose. It is our prayer that God will strengthen us, build our faith and lead us to new spiritual growth, unity and impact in our communities around the world.

Rooted is centered around the following: 

  • A Message Series based on 7 rhythms to grow in our faith
  • A Daily Devotional to go deeper
  • Small Groups where you can discuss what you are learning and build relationships (in person and online - which ever works best for you) 
  • A Step of Faith called Multiply 2.0 to see how God can use you to impact your community 
  • A Prayer Experience  

The goal is to grow in our faith and in truly becoming disciples who truly follow Jesus.

Steps to take:

  1. Pray for God’s leading and life change.
  2. Sign up for a Small Group (look for signups to start soon – online or in person.)
  3. Read the Rooted Daily Devotional. (See how to order below.)
  4. Take a step of faith to make an impact in the lives of others through Multiply 2.0. (Look for more info soon.)

If you live out of our area, we still want you to be able to participate. You can watch the services online and get connected through an online Small Group. We want everyone to be able to be involved. 

God is working around the world to draw people closer to Himself and to breathe new hope into broken lives. Take a step of faith – get involved – be expectant – look to Jesus – be transformed.