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And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.  For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. - Habakkuk 2:2-3

There is a book by Andy Stanley that has helped me understand and pursue the idea of vision over the years. The book is called Visioneering, and I think of it quite often.

In it, he describes vision this way:

Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be. 

A clear mental picture of what could be and should be.

It needs to be God given, and God breathed.

It should have a component of somehow seeing the kingdom of God at work.

It requires hard work on our part – that is the engineering of visioneering – but it must be empowered by the Spirit.

It requires sacrifice, surrender, perseverance, and clarity.

And it takes people with courage and determination to see it through.

It may be a vision you have for your family…

…your marriage…

 …your job….

…your home…

 …your ministry…

...your life.

If it is from God, it will keep you up and night. It won’t go away. It will be for the good of others.

It may start with a yearning for something more… something better… something left to do… something that hasn’t happened yet, but it should.

Vision is a picture of a better future, and through pursuing it, it will change you.

Everyone needs a vision to follow.

Even churches – especially churches. A vison of where we are going and why.

It should be biblical, principled, God honoring, Spirit powered, and Christ-centered. It should lead somewhere and through it, we all are changed.

This Sunday is Vision Sunday – 1 Service at 10am.

It will be the start of something new – but also something from of old – started and sustained by Jesus over the past 2,000 years. We are just one small part of His plan but that doesn’t mean our part isn’t significant. 

It is a journey we will take together. It will require faith.

It will start with a step – a Sunday morning – everyone together – everyone ready.

Vision Sunday is this Sunday, January 29 @ 10:am followed by a soup meal together in the Ministry Center – the church together.

We hope you can make it. We need you ... we need everyone to see the vision, what could be and what should be for our lives and for Bridges, come to be.